Thursday, August 25, 2011

Jack is 3 Months Old!

It's hard to believe, but Jack is three months old. Which means that yours truly will be back to work soon (after Labor Day), and Jack will be following in his sister's footsteps and starting in the class that she started in at UH. His teachers are very excited to have him and keep asking when they get him every time I go in to pick up Laur. Back off, ladies! For now he's still mine.

Just like Laur, at 12 weeks he woke up all of a sudden and is so much fun. He laughs, smiles a ton, and even found his feet last week. He still prefers to be standing (I know, Grandma, this will allegedly make him bow-legged), thinks sitting is second best (and laying down is the WORST) and can hold his neck up like a two year old. Sean and I predict that, unlike his sister, he will be walking well before his first birthday. WELL before. He continues to mostly sleep through the night. He doesn't eat during the night anymore, since he turned 7 weeks old (night at our house is 8pm to 7am for both kids), but sometimes wakes up politely requesting a binky (by politely requesting I mean he screams bloody murder until he gets a binky) or that I re-swaddle him. I happily oblige since it takes about 10 seconds and means I get to go back to sleep. Life with Jack is good. Even though I went through it with Lauren I can hardly believe that some day he'll talk and have his own little personality. I mean he has one now, of course, but you know what I mean. Sean and I might be the two luckiest parents in the world.

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